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Food Foundations

as your next step

This self-directed 4 week program is about empowering you to understand the role food plays in stoking inflammation and possible histamine issues in your body.    


This is the program for those who want to feel better, but don't know where to start.

Food Foundations gives you that foundational piece to make your kitchen your #1 ally in keeping well. We'll go over protein, fats and carbohydrates, and how to bring it all together on your dinner plate. We'll also tackle the age old question - how to navigate a menu when eating out at a restaurant.


Check out the video above, to get a sense of what you can expect.

Feel better

Your fork wields a mighty power in how you move through your days.

reduce overwhelm

Let's simplify getting dinner on the table.

curb cravings

Let's get you off the dependency of quick-grab foods.

Cook from scratch

Learn tips & lifestyle hacks to make this an easy transition.

Are you ready for the work?

Plan to invest one hour a week in to the video content. We share recipes to help inspire you to get in your kitchen every week. Think of this as the practical application of those concepts we explore in the program. 


This is a 4 week self-directed program that gets you started today.

Payment plans available.  Course cost in Canadian dollars.


There is an option to add a bi-weekly Live Q&A component with Tracey and Luka

to help keep you accountable and on track.

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