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Arrhythmia & Heart Palpitations: Could It Be A Histamine or Mast Cell Issue?


Updated: Sep 27, 2024

Have you ever wondered if your heartbeat is always regular? Is your heart sometimes racing or beating hard even though you haven’t exerted yourself?

You might have arrhythmia or heart palpitations.

But if you don’t have them consistently, then it can be difficult for your doctor to identify them with routine examinations.

What do heart palpitations feel like?

- Panic attacks or feelings of anxiety

- Racing heart when you haven’t been exerting yourself

- Beating too fast

- Beating heart keeping you awake at night

- Pounding/galloping heart

What are signs of arrhythmia?

- Sweating

- Light-headed

- Fatigue

- Anxiety

- Shortness of breath

- Dizziness or fainting

- Missed/skipped heartbeats

- Irregular heartbeat

- Heart beats too fast or too slow

- Fluttering in your chest

- Chest pain

Let's be clear: if you are suffering with any of these symptoms, you need to get checked out by a Medical Doctor right away, to rule out potentially dangerous things underway.

But what if, once you've been checked out, there is no evident risk of a heart attack? What if there was something else going on?

Wondering Why You May Have These Symptoms?

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes have these symptoms?

Mast cells are found in heart tissue. Once histamine is released from mast cells, it can trigger arrhythmia (1).

If you have Histamine Intolerance, then eating foods high in histamine can trigger these symptoms.

If you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, then your mast cells can be activated to release mediators by a variety of triggers such as foods, stress, mold, toxins… (Keep reading our blogs - we talk about these all the time!)

Our Maven Tracey gets a pounding heart at night that keeps her from sleeping if she eats beef at dinner. Our Maven Luka has her heart start to race when the stress of speaking in public starts to get to her, or when she drinks Matcha Green Tea.

What is your heartbeat telling you?

Medications and stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine or chocolate can trigger symptoms of arrhythmia and palpitations, so always rule these out first.

Arrhythmia can be the sign of more serious disorders. Always consult your healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms: it's important to figure out what's at the root of things.

Your heart health is a serious matter!


Did this blog post resonate with you? Ready to get started on figuring out what's going on in this scenario?

We've got you covered. Join us at our next The Histamine Connection - it's a free webinar, takes place online, and a replay goes out to all who register. It won't cost you a thing, and in it, we'll start to make sense of things. We'll also get you started on solutions.

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