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The Many Triggers of Migraines


Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Migraines can include a host of symptoms including severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

The pain can be debilitating and last for hours or even days, impacting quality of life and the ability to carry out even simple activities.

There can be a variety of migraine triggers that include things like stress, hormonal changes (i.e. around the time of menstruation). You can count tyramine or histamine containing foods that can act as triggers.

Stress and hormonal changes can also trigger mast cell activation, which can result in migraines.

Is your migraine directly triggered by the stress and hormonal changes, or by the mast cell mediators released with stress or hormonal changes?

That is an important question you need to ask yourself. If mast cells are involved, then it is important to take dietary and lifestyle steps to calm your mast cells. Our book Histamine Haven will address all those factors, so keep your eyes open for its release.

What about tyramine and histamine?

Both tyramine and histamine are biogenic amines that we consume with food. They are both formed when decarboxylase enzymes act on the precursor amino acids of tyrosine and histidine. They both get broken down by monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the gut and liver.

Both tyramine and histamine are found in aged and fermented foods, so avoiding those foods is an important step when migraines are troublesome.

Knowing that they come from many of the same sources, and that they share the same clearance pathways means that there are some simple steps you can take.


Start here, if you struggle with migraines:

  1. Consume a diet low in these amines, like the Histamine Haven protocol. Start with our Histamine Haven Shopping List, Stage 1 - eat as abundantly as you can from the foods on this list! (Yes - we come at this a bit differently than others, focusing on what you CAN eat as opposed to telling you what to avoid.)

  2. Support liver clearance with regular Epsom salt baths or saunas.

Are your struggling with migraines? Start with these 2 simple steps; they're a very good place to start.


Want to learn more about histamine issues, and how it can play in to your symptoms you experience on a daily basis? Sign up for our next free webinar we call The Histamine Connection. It won't cost you a dime, and replay goes out if you can't join us live in person. Sign up for the next class here.

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