Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It’s the part of you that you present to the world and that is associated with both health and beauty.
Since there is such a strong correlation between the appearance of your skin and your health and beauty, it can be upsetting for many people to have skin problems.
You have to be “thick skinned” to deal with comments like “your skin looks really angry”, “when is that going to get better?” or the favorite from my childhood “will you need to get a new face?”
Now you see it...
If you have acne, rashes, eczema, hives, or swelling, then it can be embarrassing and frustrating, especially when these occur on your face or other visible parts of your body. These symptoms can all be histamine or mast cell activated, so if you have explored other reasons like hormonal imbalances, or detoxification pathways, then maybe it’s time to consider histamine as a contributing factor.
Some other skin issues that the rest of the world can’t see, but that you might be experiencing include swelling or edema (fluid retention). Mast cell edema can present differently than normal edema, which tends to occur in the lower extremities, particularly around the ankles. Edema with mast cell activation can move around to affect different parts of the body.
Dermatographism - have you heard about this one yet?
Many people with histamine or mast cell issues have dermatographism. You might develop welts, or red or white lines on your skin with pressure, or rubbing. If you scratch yourself when you have an itch, you will notice these lingering lines or welts on your skin.
Other skin related symptoms that may involve histamine or mast cells in the process include itching (both with or without a rash or other visible irritation), easy bruising, slow wound healing. You might be one of those people whose face gets flushed with alcohol or when embarrassed. You may also have a stronger reaction to bug bites than most people.
Research has also linked mast cell involvement to skin conditions such as psoriasis (1) and rosacea (2).
Are you frustrated with skin care products?
Do you find you react to them at times?
When people have histamine intolerance or mast cell activation skin care products can often make things worse. It can be challenging to find products that your skin actually tolerates.
On our blog, we explore quite a few different skin issues that have potential histamine or mast cell involvement. We explore eczema, itchy skin / nose / throat / ears, leaky skin barrier function and the role it plays in different skin related conditions, the role histamine and mast cells play in skin, and hives.
Want to learn more about histamine issues, and how it can play in to your symptoms you experience on a daily basis? Sign up for our next live webinar we call The Histamine Connection.
In this class, we help you make that histamine or mast cell connection to the symptoms you're struggling with. It's free to join, plus we share some resources to get you started. Sign up for the next live class here. Know that the replay goes out only to those who register, so if you can't join us live, don't worry! You'll have a week to watch that replay.