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Noodles - The Low Histamine Way


When you start digging in to figuring out what might be behind your own personal histamine mediated troubles, you can so easily go down a rabbit hole.

Caught yourself saying these things:

⚡️Now what?

⚡️What can I eat? How do I feed myself?

⚡️Is this food low histamine?

⚡️Why is a food marked ok on one list, but off the other low histamine food list I found?

⚡️Why are two lists not the same?

⚡️How can I even tell if I can tolerate certain foods?

⚡️But I don't feel any symptoms when I eat _______ (insert food)? ...

It can get downright confusing, and overwhelming to have to figure this out for yourself.

We here at Histamine Haven have been busy putting together videos with recipes and ideas on how to make easy swaps to your day to day favourite foods. The goal is to help reduce what might potentially be driving your personal symptoms.

For this first video, Histamine Haven maven Luka invites you in to her kitchen to go through some low histamine alternatives to a favourite food for many - NOODLES. (Full disclosure: Luka is a bonafide noodle lover, having spent the last 30 years of her life perfecting how to work noodles in to her meals on a frequent basis.)

Want to skip the science?

Just scroll down ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to the bottom of this blog post to watch the video on how to get your noodle fix while keeping things low histamine.


What to consider in terms of histamine triggers and drivers

Here at HH HQ, our dietary protocol takes a paleo approach. There are quite a few anti-nutrients that are abundant in grains, nuts, beans and seeds. Our approach takes these foods out in the early stages, for a few reasons:


Grains, and in fact anything that is a seed with the potential of becoming a plant (think all grains / nuts / seeds / beans / legumes) tend to be high in a compound called lectins. Lectins have been shown to trigger mast cells to dump histamine. (1) It's one of the big reasons why we do not have lentils, beans and whole grains featured in our Histamine Haven Shopping List.


Phytates are also typically found in higher amounts in the same foods as those listed above. Yes, nuts / seeds / beans / grains / legumes. (2) Phytates are just how the plant stores its phosphorus. But to humans, phytates also bind to minerals, and prevent us from absorbing them from the foods we eat, if there are phytates in the meal at hand.

Why do we need minerals? For myriad functions in the body - including the ingredients you need in order to make your body's enzymes that break down spent histamine in the body. Think DAO and HNMT.

Enzyme Inhibitors

Enzyme inhibitors are yet another compound found in all whole grains. Their function is to protect the seed and help it survive an animal's digestive tract, without being broken down. This way, wherever the seed gets 'deposited' (where the animal will poop!), a new plant should grow come next growing season.

But to humans, what is their potential impact? They hamper our own digestion. Hampered digestion prevents us from properly breaking down all foods, including protein. These incompletely digested protein now have the potential of triggering the immune system. (3)

Your digestive fire

This is all about protecting your digestive fire, in order to reduce the impact to your immune system, 70% of which lives in your intestinal tract. The majority of your body's mast cells reside in your gut, aka your intestinal tract. (4) Let's work at providing a healthy and anti-inflammatory environment for them to calm down!

Our solution: go paleo in the early days, and reduce those foods that have the potential of driving the dumping of histamine. This is why in Stages 1 & 2 of our Histamine Haven Protocol, we keep it grain-free: to reduce those compounds that have the potential of driving your personal histamine mediated symptoms!

As you move through the first two stages, the goal is to tend to gut repair in order to prepare for Stage 3. It is in this stage where we work grains back in to your regimen. But not just any grains! We focus on low lectin grains, and look to traditional preparation methods in order to reduce the anti-nutrient compounds found in all grains.

But that post is for another day. Today, let's bring in abundance and help you create a safe haven in your kitchen!

Histamine Haven Zoodles

Join HH Maven Luka here in her kitchen, and get your zoodle fix on. No special tools required!

Luka takes you through low histamine, grain-free, low mold, low lectin, Paleo-friendly options like sweet potato noodles, and ready made zoodles. You'll learn how to make your own cucumber zoodles, zucchini noodles, parsnips, carrot ribbons, and spaghetti squash too. She'll share her special secret to keeping those spaghetti strands long!

For an indexed version of this video, click here. It will allow you to jump to different time stamps in the video, depending on which zoodle you want to learn how to make.

Hands up, who's going to be trying their hand at making some of the zoodles shared in this video? If you do, make sure you tag us in your photos, and use the hashtag #histaminehavenzoodles.

And may it be a delicious venture!


Need more low histamine recipes? We are working hard to get our book out to you soon. In the meantime, we have a Recipe section in our free Online Community that shares some low histamine recipes, ones you can feel confident will sit ok for you. Come join us! Click here to register.

221 views2 comments


Corey McAuliffe
Corey McAuliffe
Feb 25, 2022

What about Jovial's cassava noodles? Curious why they're not on here?

Feb 25, 2022
Replying to

Yes! they are indeed low histamine, but high oxalates. For those who know that oxalates are potentially triggering their histamine troubles, they won't work. But if you know you tolerate them ok, then absolutely!

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