In recent blog articles we’ve been covering a variety of triggers for MCAS. We’ve covered everything from infections and hormones to toxins and hypoxia.
But there’s even more.
With MCAS your mast cells are activated by small amounts of environmental triggers that your mast cells should normally view as safe. If you are wondering if something is triggering your symptoms, it’s worth exploring.
If you’ve been reading our recent articles as part of your journey, you might be ready for a rest stop. There are so many possible triggers to explore and identify that it can be exhausting.
Take a moment to rest.
We’ll always encourage you to do that. When you are calm, it helps your mast cells to be calm too.
When you are ready to continue, here are some other triggers to explore. Identify and remove them to help calm your mast cells.
Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs)

A great strategy for calming mast cells is to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We are surrounded by electromagnetic “smog” from cell phones, Wi-Fi, electrical appliances, and computers.
Impacts include interruption of brain wave patterns, which may promote behavioural issues and interfere with the body’s communication system (affecting neurological function (1)).
Exposure to EMFs can trigger oxidative stress in your body, resulting in a variety of symptoms including fatigue and headache. (2)
EMFs can activate mast cells. (3) What more do you need to know?
What you can do
Limit time with your computer, cell phone, wireless headphones or other electronic devices. Put a timer on your wifi router so it goes off while you're in bed at night. Turn off your devices around the home at night that rely on bluetooth or wireless technology to function, like your printer. Turn your cell phone right off at night, or at least set it to airplane mode. Put it in the other room, if you are able!
Regularly getting out into nature (without your phone) can be a great way to reduce EMFs.
How do you feel after several hours in front of your computer?

Ever taken a medication that was supposed to make you feel better, but it made you feel worse? Some opioids, NSAIDS such as ibuprofen or naproxen, or some Traditional Chinese Medicine injections can induce symptoms. (4)
Tracey found this out the hard way after jaw surgery. She had done research and talked to her doctors about which drugs to use, but she thought she tolerated ibuprofen. After a few days of taking it, she realized that it was starting to induce mast cell symptoms.
In some instances, it's important to also look in to the other ingredients used in medications and supplements. Might you be reacting to the fillers and extras that are included? Requesting your pharmacist to compound the medication in order to get rid of the fillers and extras that could potentially be triggering your mast cells is important here.
What drugs or medications have you reacted to?
Physical Stimuli

You’ve gone for a session with a physiotherapist, only to have more pain. Deep massage leaves you in a flare of symptoms. Treatments that are supposed to help just don’t.
Sound familiar?
Mechanical stress can increase mast cell degranulation leaving you feeling worse instead of better. The same research study found that high temperatures and laser light also increase degranulation. (5)
Does this explain why a hot bath or hot weather leave you in a myriad of symptoms? Maven Luka sure found this out when she started to prepare epsom salt full bath soaks. She couldn't tolerate it very well, and would find herself in a flare up often times. Now, she simply does a foot soak instead. It feels much better!
Vibration can induce hives. (6) Ever broken out in hives mountain biking? How about with a vibrating massager or sex toy?
There’s More…
Do you have other triggers?
Weather changes
Emotional changes
Temperature extremes

In next week’s post, we’ll help you with the questions to ask your practitioner so you can explore some of these triggers.
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